Wednesday, April 4, 2018

How Do I Develop Christlike Attributes?

“6: How Do I Develop Christlike Attributes?” Preach My Gospel: A Guide to Missionary Service (2004), 115–26

The best definition of a successful life that I've found, is a Christlike one.

As you complete the “Attribute Activity” at the end of this chapter, identify the attribute you most need or want to develop. Study the section about that attribute, and set goals for developing it.
Read through the chapter without studying the scriptures, and determine which attribute you want to study more fully. Then study the key scriptures associated with the attribute. Search for additional scriptures not listed in the chapter that teach about the attribute. Record in your study journal ideas for developing the attribute. Identify an attribute you wish to study.

Developing Christlike Attributes

As you study and seek to develop the attributes described in this chapter and other attributes found in the scriptures, the following pattern may be helpful:

  • Identify the attribute you wish to develop.
  • Write a definition and description of the attribute.
  • Record questions to answer as you study.
  • List and study thoroughly passages of scripture that teach about the attribute.
  • Record your feelings and impressions.
  • Set goals and make plans to apply the attribute in your life.
  • Pray for the Lord to help you develop the attribute.
  • Evaluate your progress periodically in developing each attribute.

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